Defense and humanitarian needs

Both defense and humanitarian sectors work to ensure the safety and well-being of us all. The operations usually take place in difficult and often dangerous surroundings and circumstances, without having the full supportive infrastructure backing up the operators.
In crisis areas the common feature is the lack of infrastructure.
Everything needs to be brought to the operational location: food, clothing, medicines, shelter etc. This is done using containers. Container-housed solutions provide water and electricity.
The use of ConFoot container legs enables immediate reactions to rapidly changing situations.

Having containers prepacked with material to meet different scenarios allows for the driver to pick up the right container without needing any additional container handling equipment or personnel.
With ConFoot legs the container handling is easy, quick and efficient.


Solution benefits:


  • Increases mobility
  • Improves preparation and reaction time
  • Solves critical infrastructure problems


Adventist Help Medical Centre


Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk

Ejército de Tierra

Swarmly Ltd

U.S. Department of Defense

Let's find your solution today!

The only portable container handling solution in the world.