We keep all ConFoot products in stock and ready to be shipped immediately. Our products are kept in the factory warehouse, and in addition our dealers maintain their own inventories to ensure quick delivery times.
If the ground is soft, such as gravel, loose soil, or asphalt that softens in hot weather, steel or wooden plates can be placed under the legs to help distribute the weight and prevent sinking.
All ConFoot leg models are sold and used in sets of four:
Coming soon: a new 30-ton CFU model, designed to handle even heavier loads. We can also customize Confoot legs to meet specific customer requirements. Contact us for more information about tailor-made solutions.
When using the CFP model with a loading dock, the container must be secured to the dock with chains, straps, or other available methods. Once secured, it is safe to use a forklift for loading or unloading.
Wind resistance documentation is included with the product. A detailed graph on the last page of the extended report illustrates how wind resistance increases as the container’s total weight increases.
Yes, we provide custom-made legs tailored to your specific requirements. Contact us for more details on custom solutions.
Mounting and demounting of legs. (EN, FI, DE, NL, FR, SE, PL)
ConFoot Shipping Container Leg Operational Manual 2022
With this manual, you will learn to handle, operate, and maintain the container lifting device CFU
20. General lifting instructions are also provided.
ConFoot CFU20 Operation, maintenance and inspection manual
EU Declaration of conformity for ConFoot CF, CFL and CFP
EU declaration of conformity CF,CFP,CFL
EU Declaration of conformity for ConFoot CFU
EU declaration of conformity CFU
Confirmation of strength calculation of CFU
20ST22-Confirmation of strength calculation_v01
Confirmation of strength calculation of CF
19ST17.00-Confirmation of strength calculation_v01
Confirmation of strength calculation of CFP
19ST18-Confirmation of strength calculation_v00
In this report, wind forces and container stability against overturning under wind forces are calculated.
This report has been made following the guidelines of standard EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1 Eurocode 1:
Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions.
Confoot leg-Wind calculation report
Confirmation of wind calculation with empty container
Confirmation of wind action analysis
Risk assesment
Risk confirmation, Oy ConFoot Ltd